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How to Craft a Seamless Passenger Journey at Modern Airports

19 Oct 2023
Victoria Wallace

Airports can often feel like a treasure hunt, laden with impromptu challenges like “Where’s gate 47B?” or “How much liquid is actually in that bottle?” Each delay, each moment of confusion, adds to the web of stress and uncertainty.

The end result? A passenger experience that feels more like an ordeal than the beginning of something great.

A seamless passenger journey is the gold standard for customer experience in airports. From the moment passengers enter the airport to the time they board their flight, each step should be as effortless and straightforward as possible. This includes everything from streamlined check-ins and security procedures to intuitive wayfinding and personalised, real-time updates.

In this article, we’ll explore the impact of a well-designed passenger journey — ranging from increased customer satisfaction to operational efficiencies — and share actionable steps you can take to give your passengers a seamless airport experience.

Why should airports introduce seamless passenger journeys?

Benefits for passengers

Reduced stress: A seamless passenger journey eliminates hassles and adds ease to the airport experience, making the entire process as smooth as possible. Features like contactless services and virtual queuing mean fewer delays, a more straightforward journey, and a less stressful airport experience.

Time savings: Imagine reclaiming 30 minutes otherwise spent in a security line or an extra hour that’s not wasted waiting for baggage check-in. That’s time passengers could spend exploring retail options, dining, or simply relaxing before a flight.

Safety: Airports can be bustling hubs of activity, which can raise health and safety concerns for some passengers. Contactless options and virtual queuing can significantly mitigate these risks. Less time standing in crowded lines or interacting face-to-face with staff means a safer environment for everyone.

Tailored experiences: Must airport journeys everywhere in the world look the same, or can they be custom-made based on airport services that suit passenger interests? Think retail offers that actually interest passengers, or navigation tips aligned with their specific flight itinerary. It’s that extra touch that turns an ordinary trip through the airport into something a bit more special.

Benefits for airports

Operational efficiency: Smoother processes mean fewer bottlenecks and delays, which translate to lower operational costs. Features like contactless fast track booking and virtual queuing make it easier to manage large crowds, freeing up staff to focus on other important tasks.

Customer loyalty: Happy customers are loyal customers. When people experience a smooth and stress-free time at your airport, they’re more likely to choose it for future travel. The investment in creating a seamless journey pays off in the form of repeat business and, often, word-of-mouth recommendations.

Revenue growth: When people aren’t stressed or rushing, they’re more likely to make additional purchases. An efficient and pleasant airport experience opens the door for passengers to spend more on retail and services.

Data collection: Passenger data collected through various touchpoints like WiFi logins or real-time feedback forms is invaluable to make good business decisions. It offers insights into passenger behaviour and preferences, allowing for strategic decision-making that can further improve operations and passenger experience.

5 ways to create the ultimate seamless journey at your airport

1. Make security checks quicker

Nobody enjoys long queues, especially when a flight is waiting. Making security and boarding processes quicker is essential for elevating the passenger experience. Implementing contactless fast track booking is a direct answer to this need.

Airports can offer passengers the option to buy a fast track security e-ticket via a mobile app or website. For passengers who want to avail of this feature after reaching the airport, QR code signage placed at key points airport can assist with this. When a passenger scans a QR code with their mobile device, they can quickly and easily book a security fast track ticket.

The beauty of this approach is its simplicity. It makes life easier for both passengers, who get through security faster, and airport staff, who can manage flow more effectively. Ultimately, it contributes to a frictionless journey for everyone.

2. Reduce the time spent waiting in line

Long lines are a universal pain point that can sour the airport experience. Reducing these wait times, and the physical crowding that comes with them, is crucial for creating a more comfortable and efficient environment for passengers. Virtual queuing directly addresses this, streamlining the process and cutting down on unnecessary congestion.

This tool allows passengers to pre-book a specific time to pass through areas that usually have queues, such as check-in desks, lounges, or security. Passengers input their flight number, select a time slot, and receive an e-ticket on their mobile device. The result is a queue-free experience and minimal fuss.

This isn’t just good for passengers, it also optimises operations. With passengers spread out through pre-arranged time slots, staff can concentrate on offering top-notch customer service instead of managing queues. It’s a straightforward way to elevate the airport experience for everyone.

3. Enable instant support from anywhere in the airport

The expectation for quick and effective customer service is higher than ever. According to Salesforce, 57% of customers prefer to engage through digital channels. Meeting these demands means adapting customer service to be both responsive and digitally accessible.

The solution lies in using contactless customer service. QR codes can provide instant access to a support portal, where passengers can scan the code and get answers to frequently asked questions like, “Where can I find the food courts?” If the automated system can’t resolve the query, it can direct them to the nearest customer service desk.

This not only maintains a high standard of customer service but also streamlines operations. Airports can reduce the number of physical customer service desks, which means they need fewer customer service teams on the ground. It’s an efficient way to keep passengers informed and satisfied.

4. Deliver personalised experiences throughout the airport

Airports have a plethora of services and amenities, from food to shopping to lounges. However, the sheer size and variety can overwhelm passengers, making them miss out on experiences that they would actually enjoy. Personalising the customer journey can guide them to these experiences.

Wi-Fi Data Capture turns anonymous passengers into engaged customers by gathering actionable data. This data, combined with other customer touchpoints, offers a complete picture of each passenger’s preferences and behaviours.

Armed with this rich information, airports can create hyper-personalised content for each customer, guiding them toward products and services that will enhance their airport experience. It’s a win-win situation: passengers get a better experience, and airports can more effectively market their products and services.

5. Empower passengers to share feedback

Immediate feedback is crucial for continually improving the airport experience and showing passengers that their opinions matter. It’s not just about identifying issues; it’s about creating a dialogue where passengers are heard and valued.

With a touchless KPI and Feedback System, airports can gather passenger feedback effortlessly at multiple touchpoints across the terminal, whether it’s the lounge or retail outlets. Passengers can share their thoughts in real time, allowing airports to gather data that improves their services and, if needed, swift corrective action.

Integrating this customer feedback system with your service providers can even automate the process of issue resolution. If a passenger flags a problem, a support ticket can be automatically generated, speeding up resolution and demonstrating a proactive approach to customer service. This adds an additional layer of efficiency and shows passengers that not only is their feedback welcomed, but it’s also acted upon.

Give your passengers a seamless airport journey today

Creating a seamless airport journey isn’t just a perk for passengers. Better passenger experiences lead to opportunities for operational efficiency and revenue growth, making it a strategic necessity.

Rezcomm can help you give your passengers the seamless airport journey they deserve. Download our brochure, watch our video, or get in touch to know more about how our venue services can elevate your passenger experience.